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Ocean View Students First!


Thursday, October 10, 2024 8:02 PM

Message From OVSD President Jack Souders


Dear Ocean View Families,

We understand you may have received a campaign mailer with inaccurate information regarding the District’s instructional program. When it comes to our students and their curriculum we are committed to transparency and truth which is why we want to share the facts.

Ocean View School District’s instructional program, based on the California State Standards, is focused on reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. A foundational component of every grade level is age and developmentally-appropriate instruction, content, and texts.  We are committed to preparing your child for their future endeavors.    

Every June, Comprehensive Sexual Education is taught to eighth-grade students only.  No other grade level participates in any sexual education program.  Before the lessons are taught, parents are notified about the program, given an opportunity to review the five lessons, and informed of their right to opt their children out, should they choose.  To ensure the appropriateness of the content for eighth graders, many interested parents and community members have reviewed the program over the years.

We thank you for your continued support of the Ocean View School District.  We value you -- our parents/guardians who trust our staff and schools with the education of your children.  


Jack Souders, President
Board of Trustees
Ocean View School District

Friday, October 4, 2024 6:26 PM

Westminster Commissioner Jimmy Pham for AD70

Westminster, CA-Thanks to Pho Bolsa TV for taking the time to speak with me about Westminster Traffic Commissioner Jimmy Pham. Mr. Pham visited our Star View recently to tour the newly modernized campus. The school sits in Midway City which is administered by the City of Westminster as an unincorporated area of Orange County. Thanks go to Mr. Pham for his work on the commission to help create a new entrance off Newland. I’m proud to support and endorse Mr. Pham for Assembly District 70. We can count on him to advocate for our students and schools in HB, Fountain Valley, Midway City and Westminster. Get out to vote Jimmy Pham🇺🇸!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 9:56 AM

Celebrating Oak View's Second Harvest Food Bank

Huntington Beach, CA-Today at Oak View, we celebrated 10 years of partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank’s Mobile School Pantry Program. As one of the original 14 schools to launch the program, Oak View is now one of 74 schools helping to feed and support its community each month with a farmer’s market-style food distribution. Thank you to Second Harvest Food Bank of OC for years of support and supplying farm fresh produce from local Irvine growers. Farm to table in the heart of HB. Our Oak View PTO moms are always so dedicated and always show up to support their community. Click here to see more photos from the event.

Friday, September 6, 2024 3:45 AM

Mesa View Modernization Grand Re-opening and Ribbon Cutting

Huntington Beach, CA-The first day of school was the big day at Mesa View, the grand reopening and ribbon cutting of our last middle school project to be modernized using Measure R funding. The school looks absolutely fantastic with all new interiors, labs, classrooms, lunch area, office building, band room, locker rooms, fields, play areas, and more. We thank all who were involved in making this project a success. All 800 students came outside for the ribbon cutting on their first day of school too. Thanks to the teachers for making it possible. What a monumental event. The passage of Measure R and the work that has occurred to this work completed had been a true team effort. Thank you to all who voted for the bond, worked on it, and to the residents who are financing it, we appreciate you. These school modernizations have created improved neighborhoods and stand as a testament to our community’s investment in our children and future. Click here to see all of the phenomenal upgrades to our school. Click here to see all of the photos of the Mesa View upgrades.Go Eagles🦅!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 8:27 PM

GCT Speaks Out To Protect HB's Students

Protecting Huntington Beach’s children is my number one priority. As a teacher and board member, I will work without cease to make sure students are protected and that educators are not put in jeopardy to be prosecuted or lose their jobs. The City of HB needs to follow state law and let teachers teach and parents parent without interference by the municipal government. Protecting students, always!

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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