OVSD News: Park View To Be Demolished, and More
Huntington Beach, CA-Great News for the Huntington Beach, and Westminster communities from the Tuesday, 1/11/22 OVSD Board of Trustees meeting. The Board voted on two items O.2 and O.3, to move forward on demolition of the shuttered Park View school (the home of the Ocean View Little League) and opening a path to creating many acres of open park space, and more potential playing fields. Park View School sits just behind Murdy Park off Goldenwest St. and Warner Ave. At OVSD, we don’t sell land, we create fields of dreams for future generations. This is what making HB livable and fun for our children is all about. This demo will be funded in large part by the owners of a memory care facility company, that we have entered into an agreement with. They have pledged to finance $2.5M to demo the old school building, which was closed in 1989, in exchange for a long term ground lease of a small 1.91-acre piece of vacant land at the Westmont School property in the City of Westminster on the corner of Beach Blvd and Heil Ave. Great things happen when we work together as a team. Let’s do this, let’s play ball ⚾️!